Sunday 30 March 2014

[Assignment 1] 'What's Your Square?' - Cutting3

Before this, I did the easier version of the cutout because Ms. Lisa wants to have a look at one of them first :P

I could not escape from the fact that I need to do the difficult version too. So, armed with my precision knife and my maxed willpower, I started cutting the really tiny pieces out. I feel like a surgeon.

Let the surgery... I mean, cutout begin!

I had to hold the knife closer to its blade.

I stuck the small pieces right after I finish cutting it, so that it would not go missing afterwards.

A close up shot of the delicate pieces.

It's almost done...

It's done!

If the previous cutout was a slap in the face, then this one was a nuclear explosion in your brain. The pieces was so small that I could not really hold it with two fingers. Sometimes I had to stab it with my knife, spread the glue all over it with a ruler. The end result was quite messy when viewed closely, but from afar, it still looked pretty decent :)

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