Sunday 30 March 2014

[Assignment 1] 'What's Your Square?' - Cutting3

Before this, I did the easier version of the cutout because Ms. Lisa wants to have a look at one of them first :P

I could not escape from the fact that I need to do the difficult version too. So, armed with my precision knife and my maxed willpower, I started cutting the really tiny pieces out. I feel like a surgeon.

Let the surgery... I mean, cutout begin!

I had to hold the knife closer to its blade.

I stuck the small pieces right after I finish cutting it, so that it would not go missing afterwards.

A close up shot of the delicate pieces.

It's almost done...

It's done!

If the previous cutout was a slap in the face, then this one was a nuclear explosion in your brain. The pieces was so small that I could not really hold it with two fingers. Sometimes I had to stab it with my knife, spread the glue all over it with a ruler. The end result was quite messy when viewed closely, but from afar, it still looked pretty decent :)

Thursday 13 March 2014

[Assignment 1] 'What's Your Square?' - Cutting2

I started tracing the cutout from my sketchbook to the blue paper, which was not exactly as accurate as I expected. The gaps and lines between were wider, so I had to erase certain parts and make corrections. It would not be as nice if the pylon wires were too thick.

Tracing on blue paper, which was going fine so far.

It'll be a miracle if I could really manage this.

So I started the cutting after the tracing were done. It was around 7 pm then. The difficult part was that I made some parts so small that I had to handle it very delicately, turn my fan speed to 1 so that the pieces were not blown away. They were just slightly larger than the point of a needle, and I had to be very careful and patient.

I did not apply glue on them yet as I needed to confirm the position of each piece.

This is the remaining portion, which I would be using too.

The thin wires were very fragile. If I broke it by accident, I would have to redo it again. Using a precision knife was not as easy as I thought. It was great that it was sharper than a penknife, but I still had to pinpoint where I wanted to cut.

At this time, it was already 12.30 am and I was still cutting. I probably looked like this:

I wanted to stop, but I could not do so, because the pieces are so small. If I mixed them together, I could not tell them apart. If I left it on my work table, it would disappear the next morning, blown away by the wind or kidnapped by some insect.

And so I continued working...

And working...

And working....

And work... ing...



By this time, I had no energy left in me, so I...

[Assignment 1] 'What's Your Square'? - Cutting1

I actually spent more than 5 hours planning out the designs for two electric pylons, especially the second one, which nearly made me cross eye for the rest of the day.

The color choice for this design is white and light blue. With these two colors, it would give a sense of serendipity and calmness on the overall result.

The problem now was to redraw the whole thing on blue paper, which would really be a hassle since size and proportion took me too much time to do. So I thought of a really good idea.

The sketches above were drawn in a sketchbook, and I resorted to cutting them out directly and trace them out on blue paper.

This one started out quite okay, until one part of the 'wire' snapped off by accident.

This stole 4 hours of my golden life.

My trusty precision knife - which was super expensive, but totally worth it!