Friday 20 June 2014

[Assignment 4] Painting to Music

This assignment was held for only one class. What we have to prepare is just paint, paper and a music playlist. The students prepared contemporary music while our lecturer prepared classical music.

We started off by closing our eyes and listen to at least 60 seconds of the song, and when we got the feel of it, we moved on to painting our blank paper. I used a water colour paper and a canvas. We were free to use any kind of painting techniques.

Even with our hands!

I splashed the whole water colour paper with water, then just let the paint flow.

Then disaster happened. I flooded the paper too much that the colour accumulated together in one giant puddle. I tried to rectify it by swirling the whole thing, but it got worse. In the end, it dried up and became this :(

We were allowed to sit on the floor and paint :D

Ms. Lisa was looking at how all of us were doing.

Everyone looked very busy!

The best part came. When Ms. Lisa turned on classical music, me and one of my friends, Cheryl came up with this crazy idea. We were to squirt acrylic onto our canvases and slam them together, then dance to the music to create an artwork that can never be the same twice.

And this was the result! We squeezed gold, red gold and black onto both our canvases. I would definitely hang this onto my wall. Cheryl will take hers back home and hopefully, she'll keep it safe as well. It has become sort of a symbol of friendship, with two paintings connecting us together no matter the distance.

It was a pretty good experience. We were more exposed to different possibilities - listening to music and paint according to our feelings, and using different painting techniques (slamming two canvases was one of the best ideas we had this year). I understood that there is no limit to designing and there is definitely no restrictions on how we come up with amazing ideas.

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